Taking the 'Ni Main Sass Kuttni' franchise forward, the second installment is another funny and thrilling tale of family dynamics. It explores the chaotic relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, set against the backdrop of politics, suspense, and supernatural elements. When a headstrong daughter-in-law disrupts the traditional family dynamics, the mother-in-law's desperate attempts at revenge are foiled by the supportive family, leading to unexpected consequences.
Director's Bio
Mohit Banwait is a film producer & director working in the Punjabi film industry for more than a decade. Once Upon A Time in Amritsar, Veera, Palli, Ni Main Sass Kuttni, Parahuna, are the titles produced by him. He has directed several music videos, and a Hindi TV serial named 'Bhaktmal Gatha'. His movies- Parahuna, Ni Main Sass Kuttni & Veera were made under his own production banner 'Banwait Films' and performed well at the box office.